Castle View Dental Practice News

9th July 2024

Our chosen charity for the next year will be Alzheimer’s Society, as chosen by our staff.
We look forward to supporting the charity and the incredible work that they do for people affected by Dementia.



18th June 2024

We are now able to offer a British Sign Language interpreter at your dental appointment. Qualified at level 2 BSL, Kate, also a qualified dental nurse is able to sign at your appointment. Please contact us to find out more.



9th January 2024

The practice would like to wish a Happy New Year to all of our patients, here’s to a fantastic 2024!



28th November 2023

The practice uses a substantial amount of electricity. The majority of our power demands come from cleaning, disinfecting and sterilising all of the instruments that we use.

In January 2022, we installed 27 solar panels on the practice roof, generating much of our own electricity. So far we have reduced our CO2 emissions 3,095kg which is the equivalent of planting 187 trees! (as of November 2023).

Despite this we still have to import some energy, but we have chosen Octopus Energy as our supplier. They supply us with certified 100% green electricity.



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